Kid’s Club by Amigos de la Cruz is a non-profit learning facility serving needy children of La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, and they are in great need of a larger space.
This past week they have added two more new students to the processo group, one has been a consistent attendee to Open Learning and the other a student who had left early last year. They are literally bursting at the seams in their current location and are looking forward to expanding the program somewhere with more space. If you can help them to find an available appropriate location or would like to make a donation, please visit their website or Facebook:
Kids Club was back on track this week with their academic programs. It was great to see that the kids did not miss a beat and picked up right where they left off the week before the Day of the Dead.
The advanced group has progressed to multiplying decimals of hundredths and thousandths, reading fiction and analyzing plot characters and theme, they also had group civics activities dealing with and processing discrimination and how it manifests in society.
The process group has progressed to adding and subtracting 6 digit numbers, reading and comprehension creating conceptual maps to express their understanding. They are memorizing their multiplication tables and are mastering the 10's -12's and doing division of the same. They have also chosen books and have begun reading for pleasure.
The emergent group has made amazing progress. The students that were in remedial classes are catching up and will be joining the rest of the group beginning next week. We did a fun activity "math wheels" that reinforce the addition and subtraction and provide a foundation for multiplication. Additionally, they are beginning to work on dictation and reading skills, applying their knowledge of the syllables, vowels and consonants.
We have a guest art teacher Alejandra taking over while her daughter Allegra is working on her paperwork to study overseas. She has introduced some fun art activities combining their work on shading, colors, lines and curves to create characters and expressions.
We ended the week with a community walk to the plaza where the kids were able to work on some activities in the open air.
Amigos de la Cruz would also like to bring to your attention another like-minded charity at work in our Riviera Nayarit area. The Fundacion Hospital San Pancho AC is now toiling in earnest to acquire and lend at no cost a selection of pieces of medical equipment to fill in some of the existing gaps at the Hospital Regional San Francisco.
Newly bought, refurbished, and donated used medical equipment are all possibilities. FHoSP spent its first year organizing itself as professionally as possible, and is now a "Donataria Autorizada" registered charity in Mexico. That, plus a working partnership with Canadian Children's Shelter of Hope Foundation (Toronto) and our own Banderas Bay Charities Inc (Portland) allows the issuance of tax receipts for gifts from anywhere in North America. Please visit their website for more information or to make a donation, please visit their website:
You can also contact Board President Javier Aguilar at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.