The municipal president supervised the operation of the transfer plant and released the collection trucks that have been rehabilitated for better service for Vallartans.
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It is a priority of the government led by new Mayor Luis Alberto Michel Rodríguez to have a strengthened and well-prepared institution to provide support to the people of Vallarta.
Financial resources were given to a total of 248 families and merchants from Vallarta who lost household items and merchandise due to storm damage.
In his message, Luis Alberto Michel proclaimed that “today we are starting a new stage.”
“I am convinced of what the commitment to serve Puerto Vallarta means, to those of us who live here and visit us. For many years we walked together to achieve the distinction of serving our land, now we have in our hands the great possibility and the enormous privilege of transforming the history of Puerto Vallarta.”
He reiterated that he will work for his people and for this land where he was born, aware of the great responsibility that the people represent for the people to decide that the 4th Transformation should come to Puerto Vallarta, and thus accompany the process of “true change that our country is experiencing with our President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador,” for which he expressed his gratitude and respect for the trust that the people of Vallarta have placed in him and that will be rewarded with effort.
He explained that now there are structural problems within the public function, which have been dragging on for some time, which measures the great challenge that his administration will have. “We are going to turn the crisis into an opportunity, and in this great opportunity we are going to build a municipality. To achieve this objective we will fight corruption, There will be no witch hunts, but if there are irregularities, we will proceed as required by law. There will be no impunity because on the fringes of the law nothing, and above the law no one.”
Likewise, the economic reactivation and strengthening of this port will be promoted to generate jobs and achieve better levels of development and well-being. He also noted that investment will be promoted, and in the area of public services, priority will be given to having greater coverage of water, drainage, collection, street paving, lighting, and improvement of roads and safety, because he knows the problems of this municipality, but also the way in which solutions can be reached, since listening to citizens allowed his government to formulate the guiding principles of action.
Michel Rodríguez also indicated that the First Hundred Days of Government program will be announced shortly, which will be realistic, consistent, feasible, and effective to lay the foundations for the transformation of Puerto Vallarta and highlight the greatness of this Earth.
He added that his government will team up with all the social and economic sectors of Puerto Vallarta, and called on the opposition councilors to leave the campaign behind and put the general interest of all Vallartans above any personal, group, or party interest.
"I am sure we share the same idea that our municipality does well, I invite you to contribute your experience, your knowledge, your vocation of service to the best causes in our city."
On behalf of the state Governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez, the Secretary of Transportation in Jalisco, Diego Monraz Villaseñor, expressed the state government's commitment to work cordially from each secretariat with each of the 125 municipalities, “managing together the works, programs, and resources that are required in all regions of the state, to continue materializing the decentralization of actions and resources, which has been a guiding principle of this government in all areas.”
The Municipality compensates the family of the minor who died in the electrocution accident in the Las Juntas Plaza last year.