With the goal of creating an alliance between the government and businesses in matters of climate action and sustainability, today the Business Alliance for Climate was launched.
Led by Governor Enrique Alfaro and representatives of the business sector, a working group was created and an agenda was planned to collaborate goals, objectives, commitments, and activities; and a letter of commitment was drawn up for businesses to comply.
“The private initiative in this state today takes a decisive step that allows strengthening an agenda that has been built since the first day of this government, and that has many things that we can already put on the table regarding achievements and progress. I would highlight all the development and diagnostic and planning instruments that are recognized globally today. Of course we have had the political stance of rejecting dirty industries, particularly thermoelectric plants, which has been a very complete topic of debate on the future of the energy policy in this country,” explained the Governor.
The Business Alliance for Climate takes place within the framework of the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change COP26, with the goal of economically and environmentally sustainable businesses promoting decarbonization in Jalisco by 2050, as well as improving the competitiveness of the industrial sector at a national and international level. To date, 21 companies and 25 chambers have joined.
"We will be at the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change working not only to go and present the launch of this Business Alliance for Climate, but also in the management of technical assistance from some of the international organizations that are guiding us both to the government, and to to this Alliance, in order to be able to shape our work agenda. We need to reduce our emissions and reach the zero goal. This will undoubtedly gradually increase the competitiveness of their industries, of their companies," said Patricia Martínez, General Strategic Coordinator of Territory Management.
Through this Alliance it will be possible to detonate low-carbon economic development, minimize the risks associated with climate change, and create new niches for innovation, entrepreneurship, and the attraction of investment and financial resources.
To promote cooperation between the parties, the Alliance is made up of the State Government, companies, chambers, and/or industrial associations committed to sustainability and climate change. The Business Council will have representatives of the signatory companies; a Council of Associations with representatives of councils, chambers, and associations; and an Executive Council, which will be the body in charge of managing, coordinating, and monitoring, involving SEMADET, SEDECO, a representative of the Council of Associations and a representative of the Business Council.
In this way, the state government and the companies will work together on the development of diagnostic and policy instruments in the establishment of common goals, objectives, and reports; in the development of projects, attraction of investment, and financing for the transition; in a space for dialogue, collaboration, and recognition; and in a mechanism for science communication, dissemination, and capacity building.
In relation to climate action and sustainability, companies will commit to establish an emissions baseline; carry out an inventory of scopes 1 and 2 during the first year, and scope 3 during the following year; establish science-based targets to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, as well as a plan to meet them; report progress periodically; communicate and make information transparent; as well as strengthening technical capacities.