Video Fishing Report 04/15/22

Video Fishing Report 04/15/22
Fishing Hits: 1077

Starting with Corbetena, there was a “broken loose” buoy drifting its way south full of good sized Dorado.

They’re all drifting with the Currents and where they’ll be tomorrow will be your captains’ challenge of the day. But for now Corbetena, it’s not really “happening”. Jack Crevalles, Bonito, Skip Jack Tuna, but not much else at this time. This could change drastically, but for the next ten minutes I’ll stand by what I just said, ja ja. Now if you head about 12 miles northwest of El Bancos high spots, you could be amazed by what you see. We have this bait fish called “Plantanillos” which are thinner and longer than your normal Google Eye in bait balls the size of a Walmart. This is amazing and unexpected. Time to break the piggy bank and get to this area before it’s a thing of the past. FYI, don’t be surprised if Corbetena in invaded as well as El Banco… Stay tuned.


Maya Curtis
Maya Curtis