Video Fishing Report 9/16/2022

Video Fishing Report 9/16/2022
Fishing Hits: 908

Puerto Vallarta at this time of the year can be unpredictable.

With the normal Hurricane season, we normally will have a few days a year where the port is closed. Right now we've seen a few passing Hurricanes which pushed fish into the area, that's the upside. The downside is there has been constant rain in the local mountains and inland. This brings coffee-colored dirty water. This is the challenge when you see dirty water almost to Corbetena. What is a fisherman going to do? One thing is, look to the south end of the Bay. clean water and full of undiscovered fishing areas where you can find Roosterfish, Dorado, Sailfish, and more. Truth be said, Cabo Corrientes at the Lighthouse is largely ignored by the Marina Vallarta Fisherman. Maybe we can change that. Remember to like and subscribe.

Maya Curtis
Maya Curtis