One year after the murder of Jonathan Santos, a University of Guadalajara student and LGTB+ activist, we remember that any act of hatred violates Human Rights.
In order to advance towards a Jalisco of equals it is essential to guarantee the freedom and dignity of all people.
It is the duty of authorities to promote, respect, protect, and guarantee human rights in accordance with the principles of universality, interdependence, indivisibility and progressiveness. For this reason, through actions that are part of the integral reparation of the damage, the Directorate of Sexual Diversity began work related to care for victims of violence and discrimination under the principles of human rights to address the phenomenon of discrimination against the LGBT + population in Jalisco. First contact care actions will aim to provide guidance, legal advice, and referral for focused attention, registration, and analysis of cases of persons who are victims of discrimination.
In the follow-up of actions that contribute to the integral reparation of the damage, it has been requested of the Congress of the State of Jalisco that August 11 be remembered as the "State Day against hate crimes," in remembrance of life and struggle of LGBT+ activist Jonathan Santos. The special day serves as a social and institutional reminder that in Jalisco all people fit, and that work is done to make it happen.
The government of Jalisco is committed to building a society where people live free and equal in dignity of rights, and will work tirelessly to implement the instruments that seek to eliminate any discrimination gap and combat all acts of violence and hatred in the state directed at the LGTB+ population.