Jalisco Family Court has approved the first legal homoparental adoption in the state.
The adopting couple met all legal and administrative requirements, and were determined suitable for the adoption process.
In order to guarantee the higher interest of the child as well as the right to live as a family, the adoption of the minor under 5 years of age, who had become a ward of the state, was granted. The adoption was registered on July 13 as the first child to be adopted by a homoparental couple, through the final judgment of the Seventh Family Court of the State of Jalisco.
The child was a victim of abandonment when he was barely 2 days old, and as there were no relatives to claim him, on November 19, 2015 he was put in a public shelter by agents of the Public Ministry. Subsequently, in March 2018, the child was placed at the disposal of the Office of the Attorney for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, and on January 15, 2020, the 10th Family Court granted institutional guardianship.
While staying in the shelter, he had contact with the volunteers who supported the care of the girls and boys. Subsequently, it was observed that the child showed great acceptance and good coexistence with the couple made up of Palmira Martínez Gallardo Valdés and Gabriela Flores Castro, who demonstrated their interest in adopting him and have complied with all legal and administrative requirements, resulting in the conclusion that they were suitable to be adoptive parents.
On February 15 of this year, the empathy process began, with all the assistance between the couple and the child being favorable to culminate on May 24 with the adoption judgment in favor issued by the Judge in charge. Subsequently, on July 13, the child obtained his birth certificate with the surnames of both mothers, a procedure carried out before the Official Office Number 1 of the Civil Registry of the municipality of Zapopan.