
New Cultural Center in Pitillal Opens Today

New Cultural Center in Pitillal Opens Today

The Centro Cultural El Pitillal (CCEPi,) opened its doors to the public today with activities and open workshops starting at 11:00 am and closing at 7:00 pm.

The different teachers will guide visitors offering free workshops for them to experience a new trade, children may practice skateboarding under the supervision of a professional teacher, and there will be a market with local products, drinks, food, and music.

The Government of Puerto Vallarta, through the Vallarta Institute of Culture (IVC), began remodeling in 2020 what was previously the market facilities of the El Pitillal delegation, to turn it into what is now the Centro Cultural El Pitillal, which within its vocation will seek to work transversally with the community. 

CCEPi's mission is to be a unique place in the region with the technological and human infrastructure to develop trades that are useful for society and are linked to art.


This Cultural Center will work together with the cultural network that the IVC has built to decentralize the culture of the municipality. In this strategic network is the Cuale Cultural Center, the Canal del Puerto, and soon the La Lija Cultural and Sports Center. 

The vision of this place is that it be a center of arts and crafts that enrich those who live in this delegation. 

The CCEPi officially opens its facilities with open workshops whose objective is to bring to the community the experience of the trades that are offered there, such as: Saddlery; Textile expression aimed at Design, Cut and Dressmaking; and Serigraphy. In addition, it has mobile ramps whose purpose is to teach children from 6 to 13 years old to use the skateboard, this in collaboration with the Vallarta Skate School.


The IVC invites citizens to come closer and learn about the cultural center that the CCEPi offers, visiting its facilities located at Hidalgo s/n, on the corner of Hidalgo and Libertad, near the Pitillal River waterfront in the Leandro Valle neighborhood. You can call 322 403 0494 for more information or communicate through social networks officers of the IVC, Canal del Puerto and the El Pitillal Cultural Center.

Pitillal Cultural Center Facebook

