
New Campaign Promotes Labor Relations with Domestic and Ag Workers

New Campaign Promotes Labor Relations with Domestic and Ag Workers

Governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez presented a two-fold agenda to encourage the formalization of labor relations with domestic and agricultural workers.

First, the “Valor a mi Trabajo” campaign is aimed at sensitizing employers to recognize the mutual benefit of granting legal benefits to domestic workers. With the recognition of domestic work as a formal job, workers can receive their rightfully deserved legal benefits. Interested parties will have an accessible orientation to formalize the registration with the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS); as well as the calculation of the payment of the quotas. In addition, advice will be given in the Labor Attorney's Office. For more information, you can visit the website:


Second, the Collaboration Pact between the Government of the State of Jalisco and the Private Initiative in Favor of Dignifying Farm Work will generate actions on issues such as social security, access to education, decent housing, and others. The actions are focused on workers, and were created to promote the economic growth and development of the entity through fair labor practices. Among these actions are:

  • Collaboratively build the guiding public policy for safe, dignified and decent work for agricultural day laborers.
  • Simplify the procedures to obtain or update official documentation, with coordinated work between authorities to generate orderly migration.
  • Encourage their labor regularization and access to social security.
  • Combat child labor and forced labor, assuming the commitment in favor of compliance with the Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada.
  • Collaborate to guarantee access to services.
  • Promote the sensitization of the personnel of the institutions involved, regarding the human rights of agricultural day laborers.

Both actions were announced along with the Jalisco Labor Secretariat, the Secretariat of Substantive Equality between Women and Men, and the Secretariat of Agriculture (SADER.) The campaigns will be implemented through different communication channels, such as institutional social networks and messaging platforms.

“We are going to put all our efforts into this awareness raising effort and this call to act responsibly on the part of all Jalisco citizens will be a successful bet. We are going to set an example for the country. The commitment that we leave today is that in the remainder of the year and next year we will allocate whatever is necessary for both budgetary and accompaniment support, ”said Alfaro Ramírez.

"The fact that a working person cannot receive social security, access a retirement, a pension, or the Retirement Savings System, is a clear and tangible example of the inequality of conditions that make the recognition of rights invisible. For this reason, this ruling of the Supreme Court put us in conditions where we are jointly responsible to society and the government to be able to take precise actions,” said Secretary Paola Lazo Corvera.

"The firm allows us to carry out cross-sectional work between secretariats to create an agenda that allows supporting the granting of social security, access to health and education, housing that allows the generation of well-being among workers in the field," explained Marco Valerio Pérez. Gollaz, Secretary of Labor.

The “Valor a mi Trabajo” campaign has already begun, as well as the installation of a work table that will generate short-term actions for the benefit of agricultural workers and their families.

With the enablement of these campaigns, the Government of Jalisco reaffirms its commitment to dignify the work of all people.

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photos by flickr.com
