Election Day in Jalisco Progressing Calmly

Election Day in Jalisco Progressing Calmly
Beyond the Bay Hits: 1129

After meeting with the security table this morning, the Governor of the State, Enrique Alfaro Ramírez, reported that the electoral day in Jalisco started calmly and normally both in the interior municipalities

and in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (AMG), with authorities from the three levels of government present at the meeting. 

Likewise, he commented that at the moment there is a report of 5,000 installed polls, as well as the flow of citizens exercising their right to vote freely and without anomalies. 

“It is very important that the people of Jalisco know that for a few days this table has been working to ensure that the day goes very well, the previous days were in peace, there were no incidents last night, in short, we are all coordinated so that people can go out to vote safely, calmly, to fulfill their civic responsibility,” emphasized the president. 

He added that more details will be released in the next few hours about the operations implemented to guarantee peace and order during this election. 

Then he went to vote in the company of his wife and daughter, at the polling place located in the Arcos Vallarta neighborhood, in the municipality of Guadalajara, after touring the Vía Recreactiva by bicycle and casting his vote, reiterated that the atmosphere of peace and order continues throughout the state during this election day. 

"Everything is still in order, everyone walking calmly without any type of violent incident. I am very happy that people participate. I have already seen photos of long lines and I am happy," explained the Governor. 

The president called on the people of Jalisco not to stop fulfilling their civic responsibility to vote in order to increase democracy and citizen participation in the election that, to date, is the largest in the history of the country.




image by fairvote.org


As of 2:00, the General Strategic Security Coordinator, Ricardo Sánchez Beruben, explained that so far no relevant incidents have been registered, and the report in the 125 municipalities of the entity is without news.


Sánchez Beruben, highlighted the coordination with which the security authorities of the three levels of government and the electoral authorities maintain a presence in the Urban Shield C5, monitoring the development of the day.
